Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baby #2!

Now that baby #2 is officially on his/her way, things have changed in our household. I have had the normal symptoms: extremely tired; weak; nauseas. I also haven't been cooking much because certain smells make me feel sick. I will be up and cooking again soon! We are very excited to be adding another memeber to our family! I attached a picture of L when she was a baby and although it wasn't that long ago, it seems like it's been ages since she was this little. It's our to believe how fast little ones grow up!

P.S. It has been a little while since I have posted. I will try to keep up, but please understand that sometimes it may be a while between posts!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day

We spent Valentine's Day with L- hung out at home then took her to Applebee's! The waitress gave her 4 different colored crayon that she played with!
Daddy thought she had to have her own meal- so we ordered her chicken strips, brocolli, and french fries! Time flies.. we can't believe it's already L's 2nd Valentine's Day!
After dinner, we went to Wal-Mart and she got to pick out her favorite toy-with J's help!
She ended up getting a CAT with a front loader that lights up, makes noise, and vibrates. We think daddy helped her pick it out so he could play with it too!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Best Ever Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

I have always wanted to find a GOOD homemade chicken noodle soup recipe and I finally did! The last day and half have been a blast staying home with L! We have taken long naps, caught up on chores, and now are ready to finish the last half of the work week! Who knows what's in store for the upcoming 3-day weekend!

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup


1 Tablespoon butter
4-6 small cans chicken broth (For more liquid add 6 cans, for less liquid add 4 cans.)
1/2 lb. cooked, chopped chicken (I used a cooked whole chicken from Wal-Mart's deli department and just chunked it up into pieces! This saves a lot of time!)
1 1/2 cup egg or Amish noodles (I use the Amish noodles and they are found at Wal-Mart in the pasta aisle on the bottom shelf! I used 3/4 of the bag.)
1 cup sliced carrots
1 teaspoon basil
1 teaspoon oregano
salt and pepper to taste

Melt butter in a large pan on the stove; add carrots and let simmer for a few minutes. Then add chicken broth. Bring to boil. Add the remaining ingredients and boil for 12-20 minutes until noodles are soft. Stir while boiling. Turn heat down to low and let simmer for a few minutes before serving.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Dirt Dessert-Yummy!

Dirt Dessert is definitely a MUST HAVE when you need a CHOCOLATE FIX! I made this recipe today and we are LOVING IT!!! I am so glad that we got out of school today at 12:30. I am also relieved that we had school, so we don't have to make up ANOTHER snow day at the end of the year! Since the snow is already coming down, I hope it snows & snows & snows!!! If it's going to snow, it might as well snow 5 inches! :) Then, I will be ready for spring! Here is a picture of L eating DIRT! J fed it to her while she ran around and watched her FAVORITE T.V. SHOW, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!
Dirt Dessert
1st set of ingredients
1 package beaten Oreos
1/2 stick of butter
8 oz. cream cheese
1c. powdered sugar
Beat the above ingredients in a bowl.
2nd set of ingredients
3 1/2 c. milk
2 large boxes of vanilla instant pudding
12 oz. cool whip
Whisp the pudding and milk in seperate bowl, then whip the cool whip into the pudding and milk mixture.
Mix the bowls together. You can layer the mixtures or beat them all together.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hidden Chicken Roll-up

This YUMMY chicken roll-up is bound to be one of your family favorites! This recipes was adopted from Justin's grandmother and we LOVE IT!
Hidden Chicken Roll-up
4 chicken breasts
4 slices of swiss cheese
4 slices of deli ham
1 package of cressent rolls
Honey D'jion mustard
Put chicken in a pot and boil on stove for 10 minutes. Drain chicken. Roll out 2 cresent rolls together, making a square. Put 1/2 Tablespoon of mustard on the chicken. Wrap a piece of cheese around the chicken, then wrap a piece of ham around the cheese. Place in the middle of the rolled out cressent.
Bake for as long as the cressent roll package says to. (Usually 10-12 minutes.)